OF The
Senate OF mICHIGAN tECHNOLOGical university

30 September 1981

(Senate Minute pages: 1899-1965)

Meeting No. 119 was called to order at 7:08 p.m. on Wednesday, September 30, 1981 in the Faculty Lounge of the Memorial Union.

Roll: Thirty one members/alternates were present. Absent were Baltensperger (AL); Frick/Reynolds (NU). A quorum for the conducting of business was in attendance.

Acknowledgement of Visitors: Harold Meese, John MacInnes, Garry Kolb, Jeff Larson, Hogan, Presley Langdon, Kathy Gilles, and several representatives of the senior class, student council and campus organizations.

Minutes of Previous Meeting - Correction to page 1870, item 4 relating to a letter read by Senator Lide from Professor Arnie Erva "no research indicates that spelling, grammar and correct word usage cannot be taught." "Cannot" should read "can." The date on the minutes for Meeting 118 should be May 6, 1981. The minutes of Meeting No. 118 were approved as corrected.

President's Report:

President Boutilier, acting on the May 6 request of the Senate to investigate an alleged abridgement of academic freedom (1895) in the Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, reported that the case resulted from a contradiction in the Faculty Handbook. He further reported that an interim solution had been adopted within the department and that he considered the case closed. President Boutilier announced receipt of a memo from Vice President of Academic Affairs establishing a Committee on General Education chaired by Dr. Mikkola. He also reported receipt of a request to study discontinuance of the current course repeat rule which was referred to the Instructional Policy Committee and a memo from Vice President Whitten asking the Instructional Policy Committee to look into a potential problem regarding use of programmable calculators containing crib notes on examinations (See Appendix A - Available by Request from the Senate Office). He announced the selection of Professor Richard Bayer as the University Ombudsman. In response to a question regarding the purpose of the committee on General Education it was stated that a copy of the charge would be included in the minutes (See Appendix B - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

Vice President's Reports on Academic Council and Board of Control Meetings

Secretary Rupley gave the reports in the absence of Senator Reynolds who is on Sabbatical Leave (Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

From the Board of Control meeting on September 18, 1981 two items of interest to the Faculty Senate and the Faculty At Large were:

  1. Establishment of a $20 fee for Graduate Student applicants.
  2. An increase in food allowance for meals in travel status to $21.50 per day.

A copy of a report to the Board of Control on the Senate of Michigan Technological University presented by Dr. Reynolds which was well received is at Appendix D - Available by Request from the Senate Office).

A detailed copy of the minutes of the September 8, 1981 meeting of the Academic Council are included at Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office). Agenda items discussed included:

  1. Quality of New Faculty Recommendations
  2. Simultaneous Review of Promotion and Tenure Recommendations
  3. University definition of Visiting Research Scholar
  4. Use of programmable calculators with crib notes
  5. Dean of Graduate School
  6. Availability of a Professional Job List for Spouses. Listings will be furnished to all Deans and Department Heads

Non-agenda items discussed included:

  1. Advisors of Foreign Undergraduate Students
  2. Professional Registrations and the legal implications of catalog entries which may lead students to believe completion of a course(s) will lead to professional licenses
  3. Faculty Senate

Election of Faculty Senate Officers for 1981-82

Senator Abata was called on to conduct the election of officers. He and Senator Hutzler comprised the nominating committee and announced the following candidates for office:

President: Pintar (Ch/Chem Engr) and Tampas (School of Technology)
Vice President: Crowther (Forestry); Wilson (Ford Forestry Center); and Rupley (AFROTC)
Secretary: Rivard (Military Science)

Senator Rupley withdrew his name from the ballot.

There were no additional nominations from the floor and the Senate was instructed to proceed with the ballot. In the interest of time the committee reports were requested while the ballots were being counted.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy

Senator Agin reported that a rough tally on the results of the faculty questionnaire concerning goals and objectives of freshman English had been completed. A complete summary and proposals will be presented at the next meeting.

The committee is in receipt of a proposal for a B.S. degree in Technical Communications which will be assessed and a proposal made at the next meeting.

Senator Agin solicited volunteers for the Curricular Policy Committee.

B. Instructional Policy

Senator Sloan reported that meetings had been held in the summer and again in September to discuss proposal 1-82 and 2-82. The committee recommended adoption of proposal 2-82 which eliminates the one-day registration period at the beginning of the Winter and Spring quarters. She reported a split vote on proposal 1-82. Due to the time involved in deliberating 1-82, no action has been taken to date on the programmable calculator problem.

C. Institutional Evaluation

In the absence of the chairman, Senator Crowther reported the questionnaire circulated last Spring has been analyzed. There was nothing else to report.

D. Elections Committee - No Report given. Election in progress.

F. Joint Committee on Relations Between the Senate and Faculty Association

Senator Pintar reported that a meeting had been held on September 30 in preparation for a coming meeting of the Association of Michigan Collegiate Faculties. Senator Abata will be representing the Senate at the meeting. Senator Pintar indicated that the committee had discussed the rising cost of participating in the Association of Michigan Collegiate Faculties, half of which is borne by the Faculty Association. The Senate was urged to support and encourage others to support the Faculty Association so they could continue to participate. After evaluating membership and anticipated costs, the committee may propose that the University increase the level of funding to support travel costs to the meetings of the Association of Michigan Collegiate Faculties.

D. Nominating Committee: Senator Abata reported the election results for the Senate. President: Pintar; Vice President: Charles Crowther; Secretary: David Rivard.

G. Faculty Fringe Benefits - No Report

H. Promotions Policy Committee - No Report.

I. Admission Reforms for Undergraduate Foreign Students

Dr. Nelson, former Senator and Chairman gave a committee report. The situation which led to the creation of the committee was financial, resulting from classic management problems in Nigerian scholarships. Several Nigerian students ran out of money during the last school year creating some problems in the community. Another related problem expressed by some faculty was the concern that admission standards for foreign students might be too low requiring more individual professor time and attention. The financial problem is being reviewed at the national level. A statistical study of entry requirements was made with no evidence derived to support a change in standards of admission. Accordingly, the committee concluded that on the financial and English admission standards, no change was warranted. The committee report was accepted and the committee dissolved (see Appendix E -- Available by Request from the Senate Office).

I. Committee on Committees - No Report.


Old Business

Senator Sloan inquired as to the status of proposal 2-81 which had not been voted at the previous meeting yet was not shown on the current agenda. The committee chairman is no longer in the Senate and was not present. Following some discussion and readings of the original and amended proposals, it was moved and passed that the proposal be tabled until the next meeting.

New Business

Senator Sloan's Instructional Policy Committee presented two proposal 1-82 and 2-82 to the Senate for discussion and vote.

Proposal 1-82 "Effective Fall Quarter 1981, all courses taken resulting in A, B, C, D, F or X grades will be included in a students' grade point average." After extensive discussion by the Senate and visitors from the faculty, Student Council and other student organizations, it was moved the motion for the adoption of Proposal 1-82 be tabled and referred back to the Instructional Policy Committee. Coach John MacInnes presented a lengthy case for not approving the Proposal. (See Appendix F - Available by Request from the Senate Office). It or an amended version will be reported back at the next Senate meeting. The motion was seconded and carried. Senator Sloan requested written comments or proposals from the Senate by October 15 for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting. She also indicated she would accept suggestions from the Student Council and interested students.

Proposal 2-82 "Effective Winter Quarter 1981-82, the one-day registration period preceding instruction for Winter and Spring Quarters shall be eliminated." Senator Sloan moved the adoption of 2-82. After a brief discussion and a call for question, the motion was passed by the Senate.


With no further business, a motion was obtain, seconded, and passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.